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One of the biggest questions I've been asked since coming to Taiwan is do your players speak English? The answer is most of them don't. We are a week and a half into our training camp with the local players, and overall I've been impressed with how they've picked up our offensive and defensive concepts. I've tried real hard to create simple terminology that no matter what language you speak can translate to executing it on the floor.

In my opinion terminology is vital building block to your basketball system. Creating simple terms that all tie together and go within your offensive and defensive structure can be a game changer to how your team executes.

The clip below shows Coach Pero Cameron of New Zealand call out a set and two actions within that set. He had called a time out to get on his team about their effort, and rather than waste time drawing up a set, he is able to relay the actions to his team in seconds because of his terminology. The team follows it up by executing the action and getting to the free throw line.


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