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"Mills has a theory about the way to build a roster. He showed his staff a graph the other day with talent as the vertical axis and character as the horizontal axis. He said they had to stay away from the lower left quadrant — bad kids and bad character. The upper left — good talent, bad character — is what he calls “get-by guys.” They just get by because they’re talented. Then he pointed to the upper right quadrant and went far to the right on the character metric. You need eight of those guys, he says. Great locker room guys who are contributors. Then you need three players who meet the character requirement and are high on the talent side — i.e., your stars. If you have all that, you can maybe roll the dice with one “get-by” guy, knowing you have a strong locker room and time to change him."

Great read about Paul Mills and how he runs his program both on the court and recruiting!


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